
Motta, S., Böck, I., Koehler, J., Wolf, A. T., & Pattberg, P. (2025). The financialization of rivers: Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) subsidized hydropower in the Mekong Region’s basins at risk. Global Environmental Change90, 102962.

Turgul, A., McCracken, M., Schmeier, S., Rosenblum, Z. H., de Silva, L., & Wolf, A. T. (2024). Reflections on transboundary water conflict and cooperation trends. Water International, 1-15.

Cuadrado‐Quesada, G., Lictevout, E., Schmeier, S., & Vargas, C. R. (2024). Revisiting groundwater law through the lenses of earth system law and rights of nature. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water11(2), e1684.

de Bruin, Sophie Pieternel, Susanne Schmeier, Rens van Beek, Marijn Gulpen. (2023). Projecting conflict risk in trandboundary river basins by 2050 following different ambition scenarios. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-26.

Turgul, A., Rosenblum, Z. H., McCracken, M., Schmeier, S., & Wolf, A. T. (2023). Can Water Help Quench the Flames of Hostility? How Shared Waters Can Promote Dialogue During Conflict. SAIS Review of International Affairs43(2), 69-94.

Porta, E. L., & Wolf, A. T. (2023). Water, Culture and International InstitutionsBlue Papers2(2), 16–25.

Ramawadh, S., Jara, D., Wolf, A. T., & Sehring, J. (2023). Exploring Spirituality in Water Diplomacy. Water Alternatives16(3), 978-991.

Sehring, J., & Wolf, A. T. (2023). Affective Hydropolitics: Introduction to the Themed Section. Water Alternatives16(3), 900-911.

Motta, S., Wolf, A. T., & Schipper, E. L. F. (2023). Immaterial Infrastructures and Conflict in the Salween River BasinWater Alternatives16(3), 793-820

Datla, A., Schmeier, S., Cuadrado-Quesada, G., & Mothobi, R. (2023). Echoes of the Okavango Delta–Does the voice of the people matter?Water Alternatives16(3).

Rosenblum, Z. H., & Schmeier, S. (2023). Exploring Cooperation over Transboundary Wetlands: the Hamoun Wetlands, Okavango Delta and Wadden SeaWater International48(4), 527-546.

Rosenblum, Z.H. & Wolf, A.T. (2023). Implications of Chile v. Bolivia for transboundary wetlandsWyoming Law Review, 23(2).

Rosenblum, Zoe Hoffman, Susanne Schmeier. (2022). Global Wetland Governance: Introducing the Transboundary Wetlands Database. Water, 14(19), 3077.

Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D., and Eran Feitelson. 2022. "The environment comes later: when and how environmental considerations are included in transboundary water agreements." Water International 47(8), 1197-1216

de Silva L. and Maser, C. (eds). 2022. Resolving Water Conflicts Workbook, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.

Jarvis, T., & Wiley, J. 2022. Collective Aquifer Governance. In Collective Aquifer Governance: Dispute Prevention for Groundwater and Aquifers through Unitization (pp. I-Ii). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schmeier, S. (2021). International water law principles in negotiations and water diplomacy. AJIL Unbound, 115, 173-177. 

Bréthaut, Christian, Fatine Ezbakhe, Melissa McCracken, Aaron T. Wolf, and James Dalton. 2021. Exploring discursive hydropolitics: a conceptual framework and research agenda. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 38(3), 464-479. 

Schmeier, Susanne. (2020). Prior Notification of Planned Measures: A Response to the No-Harm Dilemma? International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, 20, 683-698.

Gupta, J., & Schmeier, S. (2020). Future proofing the principle of no significant harmInternational Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics20, 731-747.

Kittikhoun, A., & Schmeier, S. (Eds.). (2020). River Basin organizations in water diplomacy. Routledge.

Altingoz, M., and Saleem H.A. 2019. Environmental Cooperation in Conflict Zones: Riparian Infrastructure at the Armenian–Turkish BorderThe Journal of Environment & Development , 28, no. 3 (September 2019): 309–35.

Maser, C., and de Silva, L. 2019. Resolving Environmental Conflicts: Principles and Concepts, Third Edition, CRC Taylor and Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, FL.

McCracken, M. and Wolf, A.T. 2019. Updating the Register of International River Basins of the World. International Journal of Water Resources Development. Accepted online: 29 March 2019. 

Rai, Subash P., Nayan Sharma, and Aaron T. Wolf. 2019. Perceived Risk of Cooperation between India and Nepal on the Kosi River. Journal of Water Resources Planning & Management, 145(9), 05019012.

McCracken, M. and Meyer, C. 2018. Monitoring of transboundary water cooperation: Review of Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 6.5.2 methodology. Journal of Hydrology. 563 (2018): 1-12.

Shaver, J., McCracken, M., and Wolf, A.T., 2018. Trends in Population Density and Dam Concentration within International River Basins. Undergraduate Research Project. Oregon State University.

de Silva L., Veilleux J.C., Neal M.J. 2018. The Role of Women in Transboundary Water Dispute Resolution. In: Fröhlich C., Gioli G., Cremades R., Myrttinen H. (eds) Water Security Across the Gender Divide. Water Security in a New World. Springer, Cham.

Petersen-Perlman, J. D., Watson, J. E., & Wolf, A. T. (2018). Redefining water conflict and cooperation for contemporary challenges that extend beyond watersheds, regions, and water. The Oxford handbook of water politics and policy, 479.

Schmeier, S., & Shubber, Z. (2018). Anchoring water diplomacy–The legal nature of international river basin organizationsJournal of Hydrology567, 114-120.

Marloes H.N. Bakker & James A. Duncan. 2017. Future bottlenecks in international river basins: where transboundary institutions, population growth and hydrological variability intersect. Water International, 42:4, 400-424, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2017.1331412.

De Stefano, L., Jacob D. Petersen-Perlman, Eric A. Sproles,  Jim Eynard,  Aaron T. Wolf. 2017. Assessment of transboundary river basins for potential hydro-political tensions. Global Environmental Change. Volume 45, July 2017, pp. 35-46.

Petersen-Perlman, Jacob, Jennifer Veilleux, and Aaron T. Wolf. 2017. International water conflict and cooperation: Challenges and opportunities. Water International. pp. 1-16.

Rai, Subash P., Aaron T. Wolf, and Nayan Sharma. 2017. Hydropolitics and Hydropolitical Dynamics Between India and Nepal: An Event-Based Study. Water Policy, 19, 791-819.

Veilleux, J. C., and Anderson, E. P. (2016). 2015 Snapshot of Water Security in the Nile, Mekong, and Amazon River Basins. Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin, 25, 8–14. 

Watson, Julie. 2015. Beyond Cooperation: Environmental Justice in Transboundary Water Management. Oregon State University. Ph.D. Dissertation.

Veilleux, Jennifer C. (2015). Water Conflict Case Study – Ethiopia's Grand Renaissance Dam: Turning from Conflict to Cooperation. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. 13 August 2015.

Petersen-Perlman, Jacob D. and Aaron T. Wolf. 2015. Getting to the First Handshake: Enhancing Security by Initiating Cooperation in Transboundary River Basins. Journal of the American Water Resources Association Paper No. JAWRA-14-0193-P. pp. 1-20.

Schmeier, Susanne. (2014). The Institutional Design of River Basin Organizations - Empirical Findings from Around the World. International Journal of River Basin Management, 13(1), 51-72.

De Stefano, L., M. Svendsen, M. Giordano, B. Steel, B. Brown, and A. T. Wolf. 2014. Water Governance Benchmarking: Concepts and Approach Framework as Applied to Middle East and North Africa Countries. Water Policy 16 (6): 1121–39.

Pak, Mariya. 2014. International River Basin Management in the Face of Change: Syr Darya Basin Case Study. Oregon State University. Ph. D. Dissertation.

Subramanian, A., B. Brown, and A. T. Wolf. 2014. Understanding and overcoming risks to cooperation along transboundary rivers. Water Policy 16 ,(5), 824-843.

Henkel Marianne, Fiona Schüler, Alexander Carius, and Aaron T. Wolf 2014. Financial Sustainability of International River Basin Organizations. Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Final Report.

Pak M, Wegerich K, Kazbekov J.  2014.  Re-examining conflict and cooperation in Central Asia: a case study from the Isfara River, Ferghana Valley. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 30 ,2,  230-245.

GIZ and Network for Sustainable Hydropower Development in the Mekong Countries. 2014. Training of Trainers on Transboundary Cooperation and Hydropower Development - Documentation. Vientiane, Laos.

Wolf, Aaron T., Jarvis, Todd, and Kunjappan, Rejani. 2014. Effective Negotiation for Transboundary Waters: A Skills Building Course. Mekong River Commission for Sustainable Development. April 2014.

Tullos, D. D., E. Foster-Moore, D. Magee, B. Tilt, A. T. Wolf, E. Schmitt, F. Gassert, and K. Kibler. 2013. Biophysical, socioeconomic, and geopolitical vulnerabilities to hydropower development on the Nu River, China. Ecology and Society, 18(3), 16.

Giordano, Mark, Alena Drieschova, James A. Duncan, Yoshiko Sayama, Lucia De Stefano, Aaron T. Wolf. 2013. A review of the evolution and state of transboundary freshwater treaties. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law, and Economics13(2).

De Stefano, L., J. Duncan, S. Dinar, K. Stahl, K. Strzepek, A. T. Wolf. 2012. Climate Change and the Institutional Resilience of International River Basins. Journal of Peace Research, 49(1), 193–209.

Doermann, Julia, and Wolf, Aaron T. 2012. Sharing Water, Building Relations: Managing and Transforming Water Conflict in the US West - Companion Instructor Manual to Professional Skills-Building Workbook. U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation. Western Water Institutional Solutions Project.

Eidem, Nathan. 2012. Enhancing Social-Ecological Resilience in the Colorado River Basin. Oregon State University, Ph.D. Dissertation.

Eidem, Nathan, Kristel J. Fesler, and Aaron T. Wolf. 2012. Intranational Cooperation and Conflict Over Freshwater: Examples from the Western United States. University Council on Water Resources, 147, 63-71.

Kibler, K., D. Tullos, B. Tilt, A. Wolf, D. Magee, E. Foster-Moore, F. Gassert, 2012. Integrative Dam Assessment Model (IDAM) Documentation: Users Guide to the IDAM Methodology and a Case Study from Southwestern China. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Petersen-Perlman, Jacob, Jennifer Veilleux, Matthew Zentner, Aaron Wolf. (2012). Case Studies on Water Security: Analysis of System Complexity and the Role of Institutions. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 149 (1), 4-12.

De Stefano, L., P. Edwards, L. de Silva, and A. T. Wolf. (2010). Tracking Cooperation and Conflict in International Basins: Historic and Recent Trends. Water Policy, 12(6), 871-884.

De Stefano, Lucia, Duncan, James, Shlomi, Dinar, Stahl, Kerstin, Strzepek, Kenneth, Wolf, Aaron T. 2010. Mapping the Resilience of International River Basins to Future Climate Change-Induced Water Variability. World Bank’s Water Sector Board Discussion Paper Series, Paper No. 15, March 2010.

Katz-Mink, Elana. 2010. Cooperative Management Structure for the Proposed Red Sea-Dead Sea Conduit. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Master's Thesis.

Delli Priscoli, J. and Wolf, A.T., (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

UNEP. (2009). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Asia. United Nations Environmental Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.

UNEP. (2009). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Europe. United Nations Environmental Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.

UNEP. (2009). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: North America. United Nations Environmental Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.

Bakker, M.H.N., (2009). Transboundary River Floods and Institutional Capacity. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA), 45(3), 553-566.

Wolf, A. (2008). Healing the Enlightenment Rift: Rationality, Spirituality and Shared Waters. Journal of International Affairs, 61(2) 51-73.

MacQuarrie, P., Viriyasakultorn, V., & Wolf, A.T. (2008). Promoting Cooperation in the Mekong Region through Water Conflict Management, Regional Collaboration, and Capacity Building. GMSARN International Journal, 2(4), 175-186.

UNEP. (2007). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Latin America. Nairobi, Kenya: United Nations Environmental Programme.

Bakker, M. (2007). Transboundary river floods: vulnerability of continents, international river basins and countries. Oregon State University, Ph.D. Dissertation.

Fesler, K. (2007). An Analysis of Water Resource Conflict and Cooperation in Oregon between 1990 and 2004. Oregon State University, Master's Thesis.

Wolf, A. T. (2007). Shared Waters: Conflict and Cooperation. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 32, 3.1-3.29.

Jarvis, T., Giordano, M., Puri, S., Matsumoto, K., and Wolf, A. (2005). International Borders, Ground Water Flow, and Hydroschizophrenia. Ground Water. 43(5), 764-770.

UNEP. (2005). Hydropolitical Vulnerability and Resilience along International Waters: Africa. United Nations Environmental Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.

Wolf, A. T., Kramer, A., Carius A., and Dabelko, G. D. (2005). Chapter 5: Managing Water Conflict and Cooperation. In State of the World 2005: Redefining Global Security. The WorldWatch Institute. Washington, D.C.

Whittington, Dale, Xun Wu, Claudia Sadoff. (2004). Water Resources Management in the Nile Basin: The Economic Value of Cooperation. Water Policy, 7, 227-252.

Medzini, A. and Wolf, A. T. (2004). Towards a Middle East at Peace: Hidden Issues in Arab-Israeli Hydropolitics. Water Resources Development, 20(2), 193-204.

Yoffe, S. B., Fiske, G., Giordano, M., Giordano, M. A., Larson, K., Stahl, K., and Wolf, A. T. (2004). Geography of International Water Conflict and Cooperation: Data Sets and Applications. Water Resources Research, 40 (5), 1-12

Giordano, M. A. (2003). Managing the Quality of Transboundary Rivers: International Principles and Basin-level Practice. Natural Resources Journal, 43(1), 111-136.

Giordano, M. A., and Wolf, A. T. (2003). Sharing waters: Post-Rio international water management. Natural Resources Forum, 27, 163-171.

Wolf, A. T., Stahl, K., and Macomber, M. F. (2003). Conflict and cooperation within international river basins: The importance of institutional capacity. Water Resources Update, 125. Universities Council on Water Resouces.

Wolf, A. T., Yoffe, S. B., and Giordano, M. (2003). International Waters: identifying Basins at Risk. Water Policy. 5(1), 29-60.

Yoffe, S. B., Wolf, A. T., and Giordano, M. (2003). Conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources: indicators of basins at risk. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 39(5), 1109-1126.

Sadoff, C.W., and Grey, D. (2002). Beyond the river: benefits of cooperation on international rivers. Water Policy, 4, 389-403.

Chalecki, E. L., Gleick, P. H., Larson, K. L., Pregenzer, A. L., and Wolf, A. T. (2002). Fire & Water: An Examination of the Technologies, Institutions, and Social Issues in Arms Control and Transboundary Water-Resources Agreements. Environmental Change and Security Project Report, 8.

Giordano, M. A. (2002). International River Basin Management: Global Principles and Basin Practice. Oregon State University, Ph.D. Dissertation.

Giordano, M., Giordano, M., and Wolf, A. (2002). The Geography of Water Conflict and Cooperation: Internal Pressures and International Manifestations. The Geographical Journal, 168(4), 293-312.

Matsumoto, K. (2002). Transboundary Groundwater and International Law: Past Practices and Current Implications. Oregon State University, Master's Paper.

UNEP and OSU. (2002). Atlas of International Freshwater Agreements. United Nations Environmental Programme: Nairobi, Kenya.

Wolf, A. ed. (2002). Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Water Systems. Cheltenham, UK: Elgar

Giordano, M., M. Giordano, and A. Wolf. “The Geography of Water Conflict and Cooperation: Internal Pressures and International Manifestations.” Geographical Journal. Vol. 168 Part 4, December 2002, pp. 293-312.

Postel, S. and Wolf, A. (2001). Dehydrating Conflict. Foreign Policy, 60-67.

Yoffe, S. (2001). Basins at Risk: Conflict and Cooperation Over International Freshwater Resources. Oregon State University, Ph.D. Dissertation.

Wolf, A. (2000). Trends in Transboundary Water Resources: Lessons for Cooperative Projects in the Middle East. In Water Balances in the Eastern Mediterranean. David B. Brooks and Ozay Mehmet, eds. Ottawa: IDRC Press, 137-156.

Wolf, A. (2000). Indigenous Approaches to Water Conflict Negotiations and Implications for International Waters. International Negotiation: A Journal of Theory and Practice, 5 (2).

Wolf, A. (1999). Criteria for equitable allocations: The heart of international water conflict. Natural Resources Forum, 23(1), 3-30.

Wolf, A., Natharius, J., Danielson, J., Ward, B., and Pender, J. (1999). International river basins of the world. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 15(4), 387-427.

Yoffe, S. B. and Wolf, A. T. (1999). Water, conflict and cooperation: Geographical perspectives. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 12(2), 197-213.

Hamner, J. and Wolf, A. (1998). Patterns in international water resource treaties: The Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database. Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. 1997 Yearbook.

Wolf, A. (1998). Conflict and cooperation along international waterways. Water Policy, 1(2), 251-265.

Wolf, A. (1995). Hydropolitics along the Jordan River. United Nations University Press. Tokyo. New York. Paris. 283 p

Displaying 117 publications