Come Meet our Alumni
Hoping to positively impact the environment, the ecosystem and our lives, students and professionals come to our Certificate Program in Water Conflict Management and Transformation from all walks of life. Besides the traditional on campus classes, some of our students pursue the certificate online through OSU's Ecampus. Currently, we have over one hundred (100) alumni who have completed the certificate both on-campus and online. An additional, thirty-four (34) students are currently enrolled in the certificate program - twelve (12) on-campus and twenty-two (22) online. After graduating, employment destinations have included: Water For People (Rwanda); Tribal foundations (Idaho); promotions within the US Fish and Wildlife Service (Oregon); and public and private mediation services (Colorado and Oregon, respectively).
Learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Water Conflict Management and Transformation through student testimonials organized by last name: A-M and N-Z.