This non-traditional, online and on-campus water resources course, explores tools, models, and applies collaborative decision-making processes to water resource management. It’s a course that provides practical solutions to help manage water conflict. Emphasis is on self-directed practical application of community-based natural resources.
Why take this training?
Take this course to more effectively communicate with public stakeholders and government agencies; to practice collaborative problem solving; to learn how to effectively administer and evaluate collaborative processes; and to hone the skill of relationship building.
Who should take this course?
This course is particularly geared towards those with little experience with collaborative decision-making and those looking to increase their knowledge and skill set in this area. This class will be beneficial to those who plan on or are currently participating in a collaborative group setting, such as watershed groups, as either stakeholder or natural resource agency representatives.
What will you learn?
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
- Have a working knowledge of methods and tools used in collaborative decision-making processes;
- Identify how perceptions and attitudes can effect collaborative experiences;
- Have a basic grasp of concepts such as environmental justice, traditional ecological knowledge and community-based natural resource management,
- Develop an intellectual framework for discussing roles of collaboration and how decisions are made within natural resources, detailing primary factors such as public involvement in decision-making, governance, and the role of science.
- Apply collaborative decision-making processes to water resources management.
All participants must have a bachelor’s degree.
Upon completion all participants will receive three (3) Oregon State University graduate credits.
Interested in this course?
Please contact the Instructor.
WRP 509: Course Info
Practical Solutions to Water Conflict
Offered On-Campus and Online
For more information:
- Search WRP 509 in the On-Campus Catalog
- Online WRP 509
Online and On-Campus Experience
Jenna Tilt, Ph.D.
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
[email protected]