Asia and Pacific Gallery
The Asia Gallery is a collection of maps and images at the global scale. Instructions on how to download the full size image can be found by clicking on an image in the gallery and scrolling to the bottom of the image viewer.
We are currently developing and populating the gallery, check back soon for the full number of available maps and images.
Note about Data Use
Wide use of electronic and hardcopy versions of data, GIS coverages, and findings produced by the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database (TFDD) project is encouraged. The data, coverages, and findings are not copyrighted, although due credit is appreciated. Please attach this credit when citing TFDD products:
“Product of the Transboundary Freshwater Dispute Database, College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University. Additional information about the TFDD can be found at:”
If the product is to be used on the web, a hot link to the above address would be appreciated. If you have questions regarding use of data or maps, please contact us.
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